Edit Email Copy

You can edit the copy of both Invitation emails and Reminder emails in the Kira App.

Edit Invite email copy

1. Start by choosing the Assessment you want to edit in the Assessment List

2. Click on the " Invite" button in your dashboard to open up the email modal:

3. Here, you can edit the Email Subject and Email Body

4. Use the "Formatting Help" button to see Kira's Markdown Cheatsheet

5. Click "Save Changes" to save the changes and "Preview" to preview the new email invitation 

6. When you're ready, enter applicant email addresses and click the " Send" button to send the invites

Edit Reminder email copy

1. Start by going to your  Analytics page and choose the assessment you want to edit

2. Click one of the " Remind" buttons to open up the email modal:

3. You can edit the  Email Subject and Email Body

4. Use the " Formatting Help" button to see Kira's  Markdown Cheatsheet

5. Click " Save Changes" to save the new copy and "Preview" to preview the new email reminder.

6. When you're ready, enter applicant email addresses and click the " Send" button to send the reminders