Troubleshoot Integration Issues

Here are some quick troubleshooting tips for some common integration-related issues.

Applicant hasn't received their assessment invite

  1. Ensure your invitation emails are enabled in your API call to create an applicant ("suppress_invitation_email": "false")
  2. Ensure the applicant’s email address is correctly filled out in the online application
  3. Have the applicant check their spam or junk folders for the invitation

Applicant invited to incorrect assessment

An applicant might accidentally choose the wrong program from your online application, or they may change their mind. If that happens:

  1. Delete their Check-in URL from your online application (the one associated with the wrong interview UID)
  2. When the next API call runs (associated with the new interview UID), the new Check-In link for the new program will be populated for the applicant

Applicant's Review URL is not populating

  1. Ensure that the applicant’s email address in Kira matches that the email address captured in your online application
  2. If they do not match, contact your Client Success Manager to change the applicant’s email address
  3. If you're using webhooks, your Client Success Manager can also send you the webhook notification again manually

I'm getting a "(400) Bad Request"

We typically see this error associated with an attempt to create an applicant in Kira who's already been invited to that specific interview. If you're creating applicants in bulk, the inclusion of an applicant who already has a Check In URL for the specific interview UID will cause the entire API call will fail.

  1. If you're inviting single applicants via the API, please ensure this applicant does not already have a Check In URL for this interview UID. 
  2. If you're inviting applicants in bulk via the API, please ensure that all applicants do not already have a Check In URL for this interview UID. After removing the applicant(s) who do, re-run the call.
  3. Still not working? Email your dedicated Client Success Manager.