Total Sum Scoring
Kira now provides the ability to use total sum scoring in your assessments to evaluate applicants.
Total sum scoring calculates scores differently in two ways:
- Reviewer Sum: For each reviewer, all scores they were assigned are summed up to produce a single “reviewer sum" score.
- Overall Applicant Sum: The average is calculated across all reviewer sums to produce a final averaged score for the applicant.
This method provides an alternative to average-only scoring by allowing scores to accumulate, offering a different perspective on each applicant’s performance.
You may turn this feature on by contacting your Customer Success representative through Intercom on the platform, or emailing
Once Total Sum Scoring is enabled, the sum scores appear in several key areas of the system:
Applicant Result & List Pages
Applicant Competency Table
Applicant Results List
Applicant List
Applicant Details, Reviewer Details, and Score Summary Reports
When the configuration is enabled on the interview you can find the new sum scores included in three reports:
- Applicant Details
- A new column “Weighted Sum” appears to the right of the “Overall Score” which shows the Overall Applicant Score for the applicant.
- Reviewer Details
- A new column “Reviewer Sum” appears to the right of the “Reviewer Overall Score (numeric)” which shows the Reviewer Sum score left on the applicant by each reviewer.
- Score Summary
- A new column “Overall Sum” appears to the right of “Overall Score” which shows the Overall Applicant Score for the applicant.
APIs & Webhooks
When the configuration is enabled on the interview, you can find new scores in the APIs and webhooks. This does not remove any fields when enabled, and will appear in addition to the current fields. You’ll find sum scores in the following API endpoints:
- applicant.score_updated Webhook
- A new field “sum_score” will appear every time there is a change to an applicant's score which shows the Overall Applicant Score.
- Applicant Details API
- Two new fields “sum_score” will appear under the root of the call, and under the reviewer_scores, which correspond to the Overall Applicant Score and Reviewer Sum Score respectively.
- Applicant Review List
- A new field “sum_score” will appear under each reviewer which corresponds to the Reviewer Sum Score.
- Score Summary API
- A new field “sum_score” will appear for the applicant which corresponds to the Overall Applicant Score.
Analytics Pages
At this time we are not providing any sum scores in the analytics pages and we are currently showing a message to users to let them know that none of the reports are based on the sum scores.