Horizontal Review via Modal: Individual Assignment

To complete a horizontal assignment (i.e. assign reviewers to selected competencies for their applicants), select one or more applicants, then Assign Per Competency to open the assignment modal.

From here you have two options: individual assignment which is done on an applicant-by-applicant basis, or bulk assignment.

Individual Assignment

Selecting reviewers dropdown

For each applicant, you will have the option to assign one or more reviewers to all competencies, or to selected competencies.

When you click Assign, the following confirmation will appear.

Summary tab

After completing your assignments, you will see the following summary.


  • Number of applicants to be evaluated
  • Number of competencies to be assessed
  • Number of reviewers to be assigned


Applicants by Reviewer

This shows how many reviewers will see each applicant over all of the competencies.

Reviewers by Applicant

This shows how many applicants each reviewer will assess.